utente #16597 - registrato il 28/10/2008
Simone Caputo Atzori has been facinated by music since early infancy. He says it started when his mum used to play Chopin and Pink Floyd to him while he was in the womb. He started his musical journey in infancy by playing drums, bass and keyboards. He got taken by guitar when his father played him some Vinyl from Jimi Hendrix. Self-taught for ten years...he listened to records from Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Pink Floyd, Strevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple,Black Sabbath and Santana. Later he listened to Steve Vai Passion and Warfare and Joe Satriani The extremist. After this in 2001 he enrolled to the Tony De Gruttola rock guitar course at CPM-European Music Institute in Milan. From there he got into hardrock, heavy funk and some jazz and fusion.
Città: Torino
Genere: Blues, Classica, Country, Elettronica, Folk, Funk, Heavy metal, Jazz, Pop, Punk, Reggae, Rock, Ska.
Sono interessato a: Basso, Chitarra acustica, Chitarra elettrica, Home recording, Tastiera, Voce.
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